New Knight
So here is a picture of one of my new Knights of the Black Rose.
The front part of the horse is based on the new Bretonnian steeds, and the rare part is from the old elven steeds. They actually matches up quite well size wise (at least with a batch of GS, as the elven steed has a thinner stomach).
The barding is made of grey stuff with some details in green stuff. Suggestions for the motif is very welcome! Chain mail and a cross has been added to make it look more empireish. The braided horse-tail is made of wire, green stuff and a beastmen braid.
The riders legs are from an old Questing knight, the upper body by GS, right arm from the old plastic commanding sprues (Looks a lot better when it is turned slightly away from the body imo) with a spear-point from the recent spearmen. Left arm is from the knight box (the only part that is, hehe), but the old visor has been swapped for a skull.
Please comment and criticize!

The front part of the horse is based on the new Bretonnian steeds, and the rare part is from the old elven steeds. They actually matches up quite well size wise (at least with a batch of GS, as the elven steed has a thinner stomach).
The barding is made of grey stuff with some details in green stuff. Suggestions for the motif is very welcome! Chain mail and a cross has been added to make it look more empireish. The braided horse-tail is made of wire, green stuff and a beastmen braid.
The riders legs are from an old Questing knight, the upper body by GS, right arm from the old plastic commanding sprues (Looks a lot better when it is turned slightly away from the body imo) with a spear-point from the recent spearmen. Left arm is from the knight box (the only part that is, hehe), but the old visor has been swapped for a skull.
Please comment and criticize!