Musician done
So finished the musican last night., hope you like him.

Work in progress, Musician
Haven't had much time for painting this fall, so here's just a small update to show that I'm alive.

The full unit

Sir Wilhelm the Witcher

First painted Knight of the Black Rose

First Knight of the order of the Black Rose
Okay, so here is the first shot of my very WIP first knight:
The horse is a bretonnian one, with green/grey stuff barding. The cloth is decorated to make it look more empire-esque. I left the back area untouched, if anyone should be interested in a tutorial.
The horse helmet is made using an old plastic night goblins head with beastmen horns. Both broke during an accident last week, and one didn't quite like the glue so it broke of again while I was sculpting...
The head and left arm is from the knight box. The right arm is from the old command sprue, with the lance from the general of the empire box. Lance point again the the spear men.
Shoulder armour is from the marauder box.
Still tons of sculpting to do. I have a few clues about the decoration in the barding, so suggestions are welcome. He will get a piece of cloth around his torso, and probably some more chain mail.
Please comment!

The horse is a bretonnian one, with green/grey stuff barding. The cloth is decorated to make it look more empire-esque. I left the back area untouched, if anyone should be interested in a tutorial.
The horse helmet is made using an old plastic night goblins head with beastmen horns. Both broke during an accident last week, and one didn't quite like the glue so it broke of again while I was sculpting...
The head and left arm is from the knight box. The right arm is from the old command sprue, with the lance from the general of the empire box. Lance point again the the spear men.
Shoulder armour is from the marauder box.
Still tons of sculpting to do. I have a few clues about the decoration in the barding, so suggestions are welcome. He will get a piece of cloth around his torso, and probably some more chain mail.
Please comment!
New Knight
So here is a picture of one of my new Knights of the Black Rose.
The front part of the horse is based on the new Bretonnian steeds, and the rare part is from the old elven steeds. They actually matches up quite well size wise (at least with a batch of GS, as the elven steed has a thinner stomach).
The barding is made of grey stuff with some details in green stuff. Suggestions for the motif is very welcome! Chain mail and a cross has been added to make it look more empireish. The braided horse-tail is made of wire, green stuff and a beastmen braid.
The riders legs are from an old Questing knight, the upper body by GS, right arm from the old plastic commanding sprues (Looks a lot better when it is turned slightly away from the body imo) with a spear-point from the recent spearmen. Left arm is from the knight box (the only part that is, hehe), but the old visor has been swapped for a skull.
Please comment and criticize!

The front part of the horse is based on the new Bretonnian steeds, and the rare part is from the old elven steeds. They actually matches up quite well size wise (at least with a batch of GS, as the elven steed has a thinner stomach).
The barding is made of grey stuff with some details in green stuff. Suggestions for the motif is very welcome! Chain mail and a cross has been added to make it look more empireish. The braided horse-tail is made of wire, green stuff and a beastmen braid.
The riders legs are from an old Questing knight, the upper body by GS, right arm from the old plastic commanding sprues (Looks a lot better when it is turned slightly away from the body imo) with a spear-point from the recent spearmen. Left arm is from the knight box (the only part that is, hehe), but the old visor has been swapped for a skull.
Please comment and criticize!
So Master's thesis done at last!
And tomorrow I'm off to a metal festival to celebrate!
I will take some nice photos on the knights when I return.
In the meantime, a Teaser:

And tomorrow I'm off to a metal festival to celebrate!
I will take some nice photos on the knights when I return.
In the meantime, a Teaser:

Hur man gör en heraldisk ros [swe]
Steg ett: Platta ut lite modell-lera på rätt plats och forma den till en jämn femkant.
Steg två:
genom att trycka ner några delar så formas en inre en mellan och en yttre rad.
Steg tre: Använd ett spetsigt verktyg för att ge en grov indelning mellan de olika kronbladen. Det skall vara fem i vardera av den yttre och mellersta raden. Jag pressar även fram de tärnen som ligger mellan kronpladen i den mellersta cirklen.

Steg fyra: Platta ut kronbladen.

Steg fem: Gå över hela ytan igen med båda verktygen och Voilà, Klar!

Steg två:
genom att trycka ner några delar så formas en inre en mellan och en yttre rad.

Steg tre: Använd ett spetsigt verktyg för att ge en grov indelning mellan de olika kronbladen. Det skall vara fem i vardera av den yttre och mellersta raden. Jag pressar även fram de tärnen som ligger mellan kronpladen i den mellersta cirklen.

Steg fyra: Platta ut kronbladen.

Steg fem: Gå över hela ytan igen med båda verktygen och Voilà, Klar!

Hur man gör en realistisk ros [swe]

Starta med en liten boll.

Gör en grunden för de yttre kronbladen.

Grundformen för de mellersta en innersta kronbladen.

Nästa steg är att försiktigt forma de yttre kronbladen till bladliknande former.
...Och sedan de mellersta.

Den innersta kresten är bara uppdelat i två delar.

Sen är det bara att finslipa och lägga till lite blad och törnen!
Lätt som en plätt! Lycka till!

Starta med en liten boll.

Gör en grunden för de yttre kronbladen.

Grundformen för de mellersta en innersta kronbladen.

Nästa steg är att försiktigt forma de yttre kronbladen till bladliknande former.

...Och sedan de mellersta.

Den innersta kresten är bara uppdelat i två delar.

Sen är det bara att finslipa och lägga till lite blad och törnen!

Lätt som en plätt! Lycka till!
KotBR - Small update
Sir Boras the Beast has gotten a new hand weapon.
And here is the Moonknight with his new cusin, the Moon Duke!

Here's a new guy. It's a heart on the back-armour that will be ensnared by thorns:

And here is the Moonknight with his new cusin, the Moon Duke!

Here's a new guy. It's a heart on the back-armour that will be ensnared by thorns:

The Beauty and the Beast
First up today is an update on one of the old knights I've added a few gothic roses and the horse finally got a head! It's one of the Bretonian ones, great sculpts.
The Moonfella got some new stunning buckles and some updated barding on the back. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not.
And todays new guy is Bertram Beastslayer (though by some he is simply called The Beast). He saved a village from a marauding beast. And since one of the hunters in the Village claimed that its skill was magical and protected it from their arrow, he thought it would do nicely as a barding. (It's skin did not save it from the S6 lance hit... nor did the shield).

The Moonfella got some new stunning buckles and some updated barding on the back. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not.

And todays new guy is Bertram Beastslayer (though by some he is simply called The Beast). He saved a village from a marauding beast. And since one of the hunters in the Village claimed that its skill was magical and protected it from their arrow, he thought it would do nicely as a barding. (It's skin did not save it from the S6 lance hit... nor did the shield).

Update of today (KotBR)
I've added a "handweapon" to the second knight now:

It's a legacy from his years in the Pistol corps of Talabheim. But that was of course before he started to grow a moustache.
More Knights
A git of an update on the previous knight, including the acctual knight. Also added a buckle to the from armour, but will probably decorat it further. All painting is old and should be ignored.

Here is one of the other members of his knightly order. My must excuse that the horse head is missing. That's couse.. wellm it's missing. That is from the model as well as the picture. We'll see if I can't find a nice looking head soon.

Here is one of the other members of his knightly order. My must excuse that the horse head is missing. That's couse.. wellm it's missing. That is from the model as well as the picture. We'll see if I can't find a nice looking head soon.

WIP Knight
Hello folks!
Seems to be a while since I updated this blogg. It's not only laziness though, I've spent the summer without access to my treasury of Warhammer models.
Back to again I was a bit temted to return to my old Empire army. Said and done, I had a few knights I did some changes to. Mainly to get the old barded steeds up to the size of the new pistolier horses. I can really feel how my skill with green stuff has improved since last time I worked on these knights.
While I was lookign for inspiration on the boring horses I found this old painting by John Blanche:

I never quite liked his paintings during the time at which I started with Warhammer, but now i later years I've started to see what great sources of inspiration his drawings can be. In a flash of genious I started sculpting:

You can see how I have been working with the armour on the neck and front of the horse. Planning to ad a text, like DEUS MORR to the absolute front and perhaps to buckles to the side of the armour, at the places where the plastic is most visible. Maybe in the shape of skulls of suns?
As i looks now they will be a unit of inner circle knights of the order of the Black Rose. I was previously thinking about doing them as Knights of the Everlasting Light, as a part of a Verena themed army, but have now been re-thinking. I now think my army will be a Talabecland army with mixed diety's, mostly, Morr, Verena and Taal/Rya. No Sigmar though, in my book, he's no real God.
Fluff wise he is from a noble family with a moon as their heraldic sign. But since this is a small order, the order of the Black Rose don't have their own smith's, but the knight themselves have to get their armour made. At least I think I read somewhere that only the biggest knightly orders had their own smiths... Anyhow, so I figured he would have kept some of the armour from before joining The order. A note on that is that all the knight will have really unique armour.