First Casting attempt
A pretty small update again. Ordered some casting stuff just to try it out. And after a few failed attempts and alterations, I made a small replica of a pair of legs I've been sculpting. Will add some more details and stuff and make some more larger parts to not have to alter GW parts for every single Marine.
Original to the left and copy on a Marine to the right. (Sorry that the details are almost impossible to spot on the photo though).
Original to the left and copy on a Marine to the right. (Sorry that the details are almost impossible to spot on the photo though).

Also added the paper pieces to missile launcher guy:

And then I got mad and ruined my sergeant.... 

At fist I decided to change the colour into white, so I striped it, But then I couldn't quite decide if I liked that large crest. But well this might look even larger, so I'm not sure here what's the best way to tread... Please give your opinions guys!
Death Eagles - Missile launcher
Hi folks!
As usual a way too long time between updates.Inspiration and live has their way of comming and going in a snap.
Small update on my heavy weapon dude with missile launcher (because the original wasn't big enough, heh!
As usual a way too long time between updates.Inspiration and live has their way of comming and going in a snap.
Small update on my heavy weapon dude with missile launcher (because the original wasn't big enough, heh!

Still quite WIP, but getting there. Will add a shoulder plate in MK V-VI style and a little finger, some more studs to the weapon. aswell I think...

And an oldie, oldie, chaos backpack:

Still time for adjustment, so please comment and criticize
Hopefully a few updates will follow as the models are one the table once more at least. Started with a pair of scratch built legs in old artificier style, and was thinking about investing in some casting equipment. It seemed a bit expensive so I'll take a few days figuring it out. But have gotten more and more interested in casting.
Hopefully a few updates will follow as the models are one the table once more at least. Started with a pair of scratch built legs in old artificier style, and was thinking about investing in some casting equipment. It seemed a bit expensive so I'll take a few days figuring it out. But have gotten more and more interested in casting.
Death Eagles, first colour-test
Stuff is going pretty slow. Lots of tough work on my job.
But I started out with some pretty sketchy paint jobs on my first three marines. Nothing too impressive. I've only put some effort into the purple and green so far.
But I started out with some pretty sketchy paint jobs on my first three marines. Nothing too impressive. I've only put some effort into the purple and green so far.

All three:

Slightly different angle:

I'm pretty pleased so far. Most of the unpainted areas will probably go in bronze to add to the archaic feel.
Anything you dislike, or if you got some own cool paint ideas to try out, now is a good time to tell.
The paint job is a bit of a combination between the oldie DE with purple and white, combined with the more resent guy in black. Tried out with helmets on them first but it looked rubbish. The green arm is the company colour as in some very old fluff. Symbol on right shoulder is the tactical icon with a gamma letter for the squad. White stripe on helmets indicate that the are ordinary troopers, might change this as it collides with the with stripe for veteran sergeant.
Also a small update on the Corporal:
Anything you dislike, or if you got some own cool paint ideas to try out, now is a good time to tell.
The paint job is a bit of a combination between the oldie DE with purple and white, combined with the more resent guy in black. Tried out with helmets on them first but it looked rubbish. The green arm is the company colour as in some very old fluff. Symbol on right shoulder is the tactical icon with a gamma letter for the squad. White stripe on helmets indicate that the are ordinary troopers, might change this as it collides with the with stripe for veteran sergeant.
Also a small update on the Corporal:

Chapter icon combined with the old Squad leader symbol:

Thanks for watching, and all comments and critics are welcome here.
Keep on getting inspired and get creative folks!
Death Eagles # 5
Just a small update.
Old Serge got converted to fit in with the new blokes. He's a bit shorter, and is now being reduced into a Corporal (2 ed Squad Leader).

A kneeler reloading. Redid the helmet a bit.

Plasma gunner. Fantasy Orc Shoulder plate.

Done, done and done
Next update for my Death Eagles. The three models from last update are now all done.
First of is the Squad standard bearer, hehe, a skull with the squad letter that is. Added some purity seals after all. And lots of studs.
First of is the Squad standard bearer, hehe, a skull with the squad letter that is. Added some purity seals after all. And lots of studs.

He got a few bags and a Dark Eldar knife as well:

Sergeant had an accident and was dropped right before the photo-season, he broke som parts of the spear without me noticing. You can see the injury on the bottom and top I think.

Backpack-thingie didn't quite get the proportions of the Forge World MK 2:s bud why bother...

After much struggle the arms are in final position and quite stedy. I'm very pleased.

An aiming Space Marine must be the dream of all Space Marine players, heh? Weird stuff on the back of his legs, 'course why not?

And then a blurry one:

Next part of the squad includes an MK 5 guy, who in time will get the biggest Missile launcher in town. A few more details to the head; studs and new crests. Rest is of course not nearly done.

And then a third MK 6 guy. I like beakies. Hope you can see the inspiration for this helmet?

Working on an old style bolter as well:

And sizing up the Rhino, as well as turing it into MK 1. The original model was a second hand, or third? And a make over was necessary any way. A bit more job then I had planned...

Hope it inspires some one. A bit better photos this time around as well I figure.
Update Death Eagles
It's been a rough year when it comes to sculpting. Got a few days of now and a got a bit of sculpting done on a couple of Space Marines for Warhammer 40'000
First of is my aiming marine. Those arms was a real mess to get right. And today after the photos were taken the left arm fell of again. But I'm sure it will look great when finished:
First of is my aiming marine. Those arms was a real mess to get right. And today after the photos were taken the left arm fell of again. But I'm sure it will look great when finished:

Another angle, face looks a bit weird due to grey stuff glossiness:

Second guy is not much progress. Added some details to the lower legs. On his right leg he ended up with a skull and motto. And the right one got the chapter icon, since his right shoulder pad will be covered with studs. Based on a Khorne Berzerker:

And then the Sergeant. Fixed the arms a bit. And added details the the belt. A bit weird perhaps, but as he got this old MK II armour I thought it fitting that his armour was inspired by bronze age details. Not sure about the spear with the new rules. I was intending for him to get a Power Weapon, but a Power Spear would just be silly in this case:

I know, he got the worlds longest arms, but everything can't be perfect ey?:

Thanks as usual for watching and commenting, and sorry about the crap shots and slow sculpting speed. Also don't mind the background, it's just some sketches for eventual Ordo Xenos marines.
Sergeant still WIP

Just a small update to show whats goint on with the serge.
A "true scale" Space Marine project
I started up this old Dark Sons squad some years ago, but never quite got happy with it, and not even the first time members got finished. One of the reasons I never finished was due to the weird proportions of some Marines, especially the one to the left. Here's about where is ended:

The other day I just got some inspiration to try out some new concepts. I figures a marine should also be a lot taller than they used to be, and figured that about a head taller that an ordinary man should suffice. Here's the first result, the old style Space Marine sergeant and the recent "true scale" sergeant. Both of them are of course very much WIP.

I have modelled a bit on a few more Marines, here's one with MK IV armour, the sergeant again, and two in MK VI armour.

So far this is not really an attempt at creating the most perfect scale, but rather get a playable size with nice proportions, so any ideas for improvements is much appreciated. As is of course general comments and critiques.
I hope you enjoy my work so far. Cheers!
PS: And yeah I'm sorry about the rather small photos, I'll try to ad some bigger ones on the individuals, perhaps after a bit more modelling.
I hope you enjoy my work so far. Cheers!
PS: And yeah I'm sorry about the rather small photos, I'll try to ad some bigger ones on the individuals, perhaps after a bit more modelling.