Tzarina Katarin the Ice Queen of Kislev
I painted up Tzarina Katarin, hte Ice Queen of Kislev, for a painting competition on Warhammer-Empire. Spent about 5-6 hours on the whole model. Probably about two hours on the horse and the rest onthe rider. There is a fairly simple resculpting on this classic Elven Steed, I've just added a horse tail from another horse and then resculpted all the rest of the horse hair and the saddle cloth. I'm really happy with how it came out.

Something of everything
First is an update on the Classic Reiksguard Champion. I've changed the sash to White instead of Yellow, to contrast more with the armour.

I've also made a few changes on Rasha the Sorceress. I think both are obvious... I googled a little on serpents and found thatthe corallsnake hve a nice comouring.

Another rank and file for my Great Sword. A classic 4th edition Empire Hero with great sword.

The enemy within! I had these two old Chaos blokes lying around and really like the sculpts, so figured I could turn the into good guys. Don't know if they really came out that well with my colour scheme though.

And the obligatory group photo!

OOP Great Sword
So, the first 4th edition Great Sword has joined the ranks!
The paint job took about two hours. Enjoy!

Update on Great Sword Champion
Just an image of the Champion in the unit.

Rasha the sorcerer
Painted up an Amethyst wizardess. Got an urge to try out some noes painting techniques, like painting really thin clothing. And as I had this model lying about...
This is Rasha. She is the new concubine of an old unnamed Marquis. He is unfortunately not present as he reasently took ill. He has been reported to having gotten quite pale, and sleeps all day.

I wasn't to pleased with the result even though I repainted the skirt and brah several times. But I must say the reslults looks better in the photos, just this once...
Wasn't too bothered with the snake so the paint job there is lacking a bit, didn't really have any clue on what kind of snake to paint, så ended up doing an booring Viper.
A small update.
I had a couple of halflings standing on my shelf and figured they would be a treat to paint, and they sure was!
A shame there's only three of them, have some more halflings, like the commangroup from the same set, but nothing suitable for a deteachment.