FoW Painted Platoon
First platoon is painted. May fix a few small details and such when I paint up the second. And yeah I start från 2 squads each. Enjoy:

Group photo.

Oberscharführer/Zugführer (right), Führer/Scharführer (left) and Melder (second row). Half of the uniforms in Pea dot camo, and the rest in Field grey. Cap and helm covers in Oak Leaf: Spring camo pattern.

Squadleader/Scharführer (right) with camo smock and heml cover in Oak Leaf: Spring camo pattern. Second from right in Italian camo pattern, with panzer faust. Third from right is an obersoldat with MG 42, and Pea Dot camo uniform.

Second squadleader with MP 40, and Oaf Leaf: Autumn camo pattern helm cover. Closest guy with MG 34 and back pack from Plastic Soldier Company is dressed in Pea Dot camo pattern. The MG assistan gunner has a camo smock in Oak Leaf: Autumn camo pattern.

First from right: Soldier with K 98 rifle, Oak Leaf. Spring, helm cover, Oak Leaf: Autumn, jacket, and Italian camo trousers. Fouth from right is the Rottenführer with uniform in Blurred Edge camo pattern, with a Gewehr 43 and scope.

Second platoon ready for priming!
Over and Out.
Uppdate on Flames of War army.
As any reader will have noticed, I am not the fastest army-builder on the internet. But I have managed a few new sculpts for my army. Only a few details left, before basing and painting (which is by far the quicker prosess).

First of is my Scharführer with K98 and scope, to accompany my Obersturmführer (see previous post for detail.).

Front view. Note that I have added all the green areas with modeling putty. A camo smock, helm cover and scope.

Next is a new MG team. As panzergrenediers, these guys needs lots of MG's, and Battlefront only makes three different poses. This is of course one of them, but I have swaped the head and added a zeltbahn. The zeltbahns are sort of tent cloth peaces, that can eather form a rain cover, built a tent (with four pieces) or be wraped around the body as a rain jacket. The assistant gunner/loader, is made from the Open Fire kneeling officer. Head-swap and change of right arm, to that of an other MG assistant from the same box.

Here also with camo helm cover, and a spare barrel container. I also removed the hood from the camo smock, as SS camo smocks didn't have hoods.

The next MG gunner is taken from the Plasitc Soldier Company, Late War German Infantery box. As these are generally thinner than Battlefronts miniatures, I have resculpted most parts, as well as given him a new head and arms. I know the gas masks, which where issued to all german soldiers where hardly ever used, as gas wasn't used in war-fare during WWII. But Gas masks are too cool to miss out on, so here you go!

The Left arm is from the same poor lad that lost another arm to the previous MG team, and the MG is from the SdKfz 251 Half track box (it comes with four MG's, so a few spare). The assistant gunner here is almost clean out of the box (Battlefront - Open Fire), but with zeltbahn and spare barrel container added.

Here is the gunner compared to the original miniature. You may want to know that PSC's MG is acctually the correct scale for 1/100.

A rifle guy, with added helm cover and gas mask.
I will make four gas mask guys, to represent the gasspürtrupp (gas watch group), which all companys officially had. It was a group of four, one leader and three privates, issued with the task of spotting gas attacks.
Leader of panzerschreck team. SMG and ammo for panzerschreck added. Original to the right.

Better view of the MP 40.

A medic, with pistol and panzerfaust. This is made from an Sdkfz 251 crew officer. I added a back pack, and medic pouches. Medics were not allowed to carry weapons other than pistols to protect them self and the wounded (to be proceted by military law, this was not respected on the easter front though). I though I could add this guy to the Leutenants base, and someone had to carry the panzerfaust... The panzerfaust is from the Plastic Soldier Late War Infantry box.

The next MG team is from Plastic Soldier Company. With a bit of resculpting.

Once again I have swaped MG and heads. Here is the gunner, compared to original (left).

From behind. He is resculpted with zeltbahn, gas mask container, spare barrel container, bread bag, MG pouch and helm cover.

The assistant gunner, with camo smock, K98 rifle, rifle ammo pouches, bread bag, and head swap. Compared to original (right). Ah, and these are acctually two-piece, models, so the head is a seperate piece allreaddy in the box, which makes this part easy.
Over and out for this time. Hopefully, I will be able to post them painted soon.
Thanks for reading