First Casting attempt
A pretty small update again. Ordered some casting stuff just to try it out. And after a few failed attempts and alterations, I made a small replica of a pair of legs I've been sculpting. Will add some more details and stuff and make some more larger parts to not have to alter GW parts for every single Marine.
Original to the left and copy on a Marine to the right. (Sorry that the details are almost impossible to spot on the photo though).
Original to the left and copy on a Marine to the right. (Sorry that the details are almost impossible to spot on the photo though).

Also added the paper pieces to missile launcher guy:

And then I got mad and ruined my sergeant.... 

At fist I decided to change the colour into white, so I striped it, But then I couldn't quite decide if I liked that large crest. But well this might look even larger, so I'm not sure here what's the best way to tread... Please give your opinions guys!