Great Sword Champion
Small update with the finished Great Sword Champion (or whatever they are called these days.

Hello again.
I usually only show finished models here in the blogg, but for once I thought I should share a model primed.
My Classic reiksguard and Great Swords have mostly been primed using black spray paint and then drybrushed with white. This maked it very easy to see all the features on a model, as well as making it easy for light colours to stick to the model, and still maintaining dark shadows. A week ago I hear of a smarter way to achive this. Which is to spray paint with white over the black instead of drybrusing using a brush. In this way a source lightning can be achived if the spray paint is added from a specific angle.
Enought talk, here is my new Champion with base coat:

As the old sword was a little small, and the pistil very outdated, I shaped these for a new set from the General of the Empire plastic box. THe spray paint used was also very old and in an ill shape, which caused the paint to be a little grainy. There was also a slight wind where I sprayed the model, so it's a little more white on the right and a little to little from the top form my taste, but looks rather good otherwise in my oppinion.
A Full unit of Great Swords
Here is my last four Great Swords, finaly making the unit reach the minimum number.

Nurgle Orges

Ye Olde Stir RIver Patrol

Marauder Reikguard with Halberd

The full unit

Sir Wilhelm the Witcher

First painted Knight of the Black Rose